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Carbon Forum North America 2013
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Conservatives debate a carbon tax
Fine-tuning the carbon market
Letter to the Editor The Washington Post Published May 9, 2013 Regarding the May 6 front-page article “Europe’s carbon market goes bust”: In evaluating Europe’s cap-and-trade system, it’s important to distinguish means (a carbon price) from ends (carbon reductions). Europe’s …
Blog Post
China eyes a carbon tax
Options and Considerations for a Federal Carbon Tax
Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced most cost-effectively through market-based approaches that put a price on carbon. The two most commonly discussed approaches are a cap-and-trade system and a carbon tax. By establishing a price for greenhouse gas emissions, either …
Market Based Climate Mitigation Policies In Emerging Economies
Summary Used by governments for decades, market-based policies are mechanisms to control environmental pollution at various leverage points. They work by changing relative prices – raising the cost of emissions-intensive activities and/or lowering the cost of lower-emitting alternatives – to …
Live Event
Carbon Forum North America 2012
The Clean Development Mechanism: A Review of the First International Offset Program
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), established under the Kyoto Protocol, is the primary international offset program in existence today, and while not perfect, it has helped to establish a global market for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. It generates offsets …