
Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

Transportation in Developing Countries: Greenhouse Gas Scenarios for Delhi, India

Greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries are increasing most rapidly in the transportation sector. Even people with low incomes are meeting their need for mobility, and projected income growth over the next two decades suggests that many more will acquire …

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Promoting Meaningful Compliance with Climate Change Commitments

The ultimate success and credibility of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or any future climate agreement, will depend on whether most, if not all, Parties meet their greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments. A …

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The Kyoto Mechanisms and Global Climate Change

The Kyoto Protocol sets greenhouse gas emissions limits for 2008-2012 for 38 developed coun-tries. Developing countries have no emissions limits. The Protocol also creates three “mechanisms” that enable countries to reduce the cost of meeting their emissions limits. The nations …

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Land Use & Global Climate Change: Forests, Land Management, and the Kyoto Protocol

Allowing nations to receive credit under the Kyoto Protocol for using lands and forests to store carbon has been, and will continue to be, controversial until key issues are settled. The Protocol sets forth a partial system for including land-use …

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The European Union & Global Climate Change: A Review of Five National Programmes

As we approach the third anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol and continue working to address the questions raised but not answered in the agreement, entry into force is increasingly the subject of climate change discussions. European Union (EU) countries have …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change : Electric Power Options in Argentina

  The Republic of Argentina is positioning itself at the forefront of the climate change debate among non-Annex I countries. It initiated market reforms in the early 1990s that made the economy more efficient while providing mixed, but on balance, …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in Brazil

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and its economy is roughly equal to that of all other South American countries combined. Yet, its greenhouse gas emissions are less than one-third of the continent’s total due to the …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in China

With annual releases of over 918 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the People’s Republic of China takes center stage among developing countries in the climate change debate. If China could achieve significant emission reductions from the …

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International Emissions Trading & Global Climate Change: Impacts on the Cost of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Several factors influence the costs of greenhouse gas mitigation. This report illustrates the importance of one such factor—international emissions trading—in reducing the costs of carbon control. The authors find that an international greenhouse gas emissions trading regime will significantly lower …

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Developing Countries & Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options in India

The electric power sector in India is characterized by low per capita energy use, rapid growth in demand, heavy losses in transmission and distribution, and tariffs well below average costs. Coal dominates usage, which combined with hydropower represents 85 percent …

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