
Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

Climate Change Mitigation Measures in India

India is the world’s fourth largest economy and fifth largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter, accounting for about 5% of global emissions. India’s emissions increased 65% between 1990 and 2005 and are projected to grow another 70% by 2020.  On a …

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Technology Funding in a Post-2012 Climate Framework – Background Note

In the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, developed countries commit generally to provide financial resources, including for the transfer of technology, needed by developing countries to fulfill their obligations under the Convention. In order to successfully support the adoption …

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Towards an Integrated Multi-Track Climate Framework

With the approach of 2012, and the expiration of the initial greenhouse gas targets under the KyotoProtocol, governments are grappling with how best to advance the international climate effort in the years beyond. The central challenge is as clear as …

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A Business Path to Bali

This article appeared in Environmental Finance, November 2007.

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China’s Strategic Priorities in International Climate Change Negotiations

Originally appeared in The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2007-08   China’s role in an international climate change solution cannot be overstated. Now likely the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, China has become the focus of scrutiny as climate change has …

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U.S. Exceptionalism and Climate Change (Part II)

This article originally appeared in The Globalist, July 2007.   American exceptionalism is becoming an increasingly potent force in U.S. environmental policymaking. As Eileen Claussen and Elliot Diringer argue, the United States must encourage and tap those elements of U.S. …

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U.S. Exceptionalism and Climate Change (Part I)

This article originally appeared in The Globalist, July 2007.   U.S. policymaking has long been influenced by a sense of exceptionalism, or divinely blessed uniqueness. As Eileen Claussen and Elliot Diringer argue, the United States is indeed exceptional when it …

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China’s Climate Change Strategy

This article originally appeared in Chief Brief   China released its much anticipated National Climate Change Program report on June 4, 2007 [1]. This plan comes at an important time, as nations are debating next steps in the international climate …

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Policy-Based Commitments in a Post-2012 Climate Framework

This paper elaborates on the concept of policy-based commitments as one component of a post-2012 climate framework. As conceived here, the policy-based approach would be an avenue for developing countries in particular to put forward national policies of their choosing …

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International Sectoral Agreements in a Post-2012 Climate Framework

In recent years, sectoral approaches have received renewed attention and are among the options proposed for the post-2012 period. In its report, International Climate Efforts Beyond 2012, the Climate Dialogue at Pocantico identified sectoral approaches as one of the potential …

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