
Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

Designing a Deal

This article originally appeared in Carbon Finance.   The aftermath of December’s Copenhagen talks shows that a new approach to international climate policy is needed to reach a post-2012 climate deal, says Elliot Diringer. The popular view around the world …

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Coal in China: Resources, Uses, and Advanced Coal Technologies

China’s energy-development pathway has increasingly become a topic of international attention, particularly as China has become the largest national source of annual greenhouse gas emissions. At the forefront of this pathway is a reliance on coal that has spanned many …

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Blog Post
One Less Excuse to Avoid Acting
COP 15 Copenhagen
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Copenhagen Side Event: High-Level Business Dialogue
Climate Change Mitigation Measures in the European Union

The European Union (EU) is the world’s third largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter after the United States and China, accounting for 13 percent of global emissions in 2005. Since 1990, EU emissions have declined about 10.7 percent as a result …

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Assessing Offset Quality in the Clean Development Mechanism

The Offset Quality Initiative (OQI) responds to the intensifying debate over international offsets by releasing a policy paper assessing offset quality in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). In the paper, titled “Assessing Offset Quality in the Clean Development Mechanism,” OQI …

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A Copenhagen Climate Agreement

The UN Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen presents a critical opportunity to strengthen the international response to global climate change. The aim in Copenhagen should be a comprehensive political agreement that puts countries on a clear path to concluding …

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Verifying Mitigation Efforts in a New Climate Agreement

A new global climate agreement will be most effective if parties are confident that it enables them to assess how well others are fulfilling their obligations. This can be achieved through a rigorous system of measurement, reporting, and verification. Key …

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Comparability of Developed Country Mitigation Efforts

The “comparability” of climate mitigation efforts undertaken by developed countries can be assessed in many different ways. Some relevant factors such as emissions, population, and GDP are readily quantified and compared; others, such as a country’s geography, economic structure, or …

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