Alongside the UNFCCC: Complementary Venues for Climate Action
Climate change is a multi-faceted challenge that is intrinsically connected to a broad range of other issue areas, and it must be addressed on multiple fronts. In considering the global response to climate change post-2020, it is important to consider not only …
Evolution of the International Climate Effort
The international community is in the midst of shaping the next stage of the global climate effort—working both within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and through the broader “regime complex” that has grown alongside it. Within …
Issues for a 2015 Climate Agreement
In 2011, parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) opened a new round of negotiations aimed at delivering a global climate agreement in late 2015 in Paris. The decision launching the Durban Platform talks spelled out some …
Outcomes of the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Warsaw
Governments meeting at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw eked out a modest package of decisions that keep the international climate negotiations on track but underscore the formidable challenges facing parties as they work toward a new global …