
Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

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Carbon trading in China: short-term experience, long-term wisdom
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Stronger action needed to meet U.S. climate pledge
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The Warsaw outcome: A hint of what’s to come
Outcomes of the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Warsaw

Governments meeting at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw eked out a modest package of decisions that keep the international climate negotiations on track but underscore the formidable challenges facing parties as they work toward a new global …

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COP 19 Warsaw
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U.N. climate talks could yield practical hybrid approach
Blog Post
Warsaw talks: A mid-point for 2015 agreement
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Slow progress on limiting HFCs
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Efforts to limit aviation emissions advance at ICAO
Climate change: A patchwork of emissions cuts

Read Elliot Diringer’s article in Nature on the potential path forward for international climate talks. Below is a brief summary. With the failure in recent years of international attempts to deliver a binding treaty on emissions reductions, individual countries are …

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