
Climate change is a global challenge that requires global solutions. Efforts like the Paris Agreement strengthen confidence that all countries are doing their share, helping each country do even more.

Canadian Provincial Climate Action Plans

All provinces have completed comprehensive climate action plans. The plans detail steps that provinces intend to take to reduce their contribution to climate change and prepare for the impacts of a changing climate. The process of developing a climate action …

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Canadian Provincial Carbon Pricing

Compared to command-and-control regulations, carbon pricing is a market-based mechanism that creates financial incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, making the reductions cost effective. Three Canadian provinces that are home to about 48 percent of Canada’s population and accounting for …

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General Issues in Elaborating the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement establishes a new multilateral architecture guiding countries’ climate change efforts under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Parties are currently negotiating more detailed rules and procedures for implementing the agreement, including provisions addressing transparency, accounting, …

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Accounting for Bottom-Up Trading Under the Paris Agreement

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement recognizes that countries may engage in different forms of international cooperation to achieve climate goals, and prescribes broad conditions for such cooperation if it is to count toward achievement of parties’ nationally determined contributions …

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Blog Post
Talanoa Dialogue: Building Trust and Informing Climate Action
Outcomes of the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Bonn

In the most significant test of the Paris Agreement since the United States announced its intent to withdraw, the U.N. climate talks in Bonn, Germany, made progress on the Paris “rulebook” to be adopted next year, but renewed clashes over …

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Blog Post
The US in Bonn: Beyond Political Theater
COP 23 Bonn
Live Event
The Economic Case for U.S. Climate Action: Views from Congress and the Private Sector
Elaborating the Paris Agreement: Implementation and Compliance

Article 15 of the Paris Agreement establishes a mechanism to facilitate implementation of and promote compliance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement. Along with the global stocktake and the transparency framework, this mechanism provides a means of assessing and …

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