City and Local

As centers of population and energy use, cities generate a majority of our climate emissions. Local governments play a critical role in reducing emissions and in making communities resilient to climate change.

Join the Alliance for a Sustainable Future for a virtual discussion
Blog Post
Competitive local economies can spur a resilient recovery
Blog Post
The stakes for climate resilience are now higher than ever
Mayors Leading the Way on Climate – 2020

As part of the Alliance’s ongoing work plan to promote sustainability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mayors across the country were asked about their city’s efforts in the areas of low-carbon transportation, energy efficiency in new and existing buildings, and …

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American Mayors and Businesses: Building Partnerships for a Low-Carbon Future – Volume III

Cities across the country are increasingly interested in partnerships to advance energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and low-carbon mobility. Collaborative partnerships between cities and utilities serve as opportunities to advance these goals and can lay the foundation for clean energy …

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Blog Post
Planning for the economic risks of climate change
City Climate Policy
Local Action on Energy Efficiency
American Mayors and Businesses: Building Partnerships for a Low-Carbon Future Volume II

Never have the stakes been higher to advance the cause of carbon reduction and climate protection. For more than a decade, cities have promoted climate protection strategies at all levels of government, and businesses have made great strides in their …

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Greening City Fleets