Technology Solutions

Achieving a true low-carbon transition requires an array of innovative technologies, including renewable energy, alternative vehicles, advanced nuclear power, and carbon capture, use and storage.

Coal Initiative Series: A Trust Fund Approach to Accelerating Deployment of CCS: Options and Considerations

A Trust Fund Approach to Accelerating Deployment of CCS: Options and Considerations is the second in a series of Pew Center papers that explore strategies for addressing CO2 emissions from using coal to provide electricity. This paper describes key elements …

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The Role of Coal Gasification in Ohio’s Economy and Energy Future

The Pew Center on Global Climate Change commissioned Kleinhenz and Associates to examine how coal gasification (CG) combined with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technology could play a role in Ohio’s economy and energy future – particularly in Northeast Ohio, …

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Biofuels for Transportation

This article appeared in CDM Investment Newsletter, 2007.

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Coal Initiative Series: A Program to Accelerate the Deployment of CO2 Capture and Storage

A Program to Accelerate the Deployment of CO2 Capture and Storage: Rationale, Objectives, and Cost is the first in a series of Pew Center papers that explore strategies for addressing CO2 emissions from using coal to provide electricity. This white …

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A Climate of Change: Manufacturing Must Rise to the Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change

This article originally appeared in US Industry Today, September/October 2007   Recent months have seen an explosion of activity on climate change, to the point where it is now almost impossible to pick up a newspaper without reading about a …

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Building Solutions to Climate Change

This In-Brief describes how the built environment can make an important contribution to climate change mitigation while providing more livable spaces.  It concludes that with current technologies and the expansion of a few key policies, significant reductions in greenhouse gases …

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Towards a Climate-Friendly Built Environment

Buildings in the United States – homes, offices, and industrial facilities – account for over 40 percent of our nation’s carbon dioxide emissions. Most of these emissions come from the combustion of fossil fuels to provide heating, cooling, and lighting …

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The U.S. Electric Power Sector and Climate Change Mitigation

The electricity sector in the United States enables almost every aspect of our economy—from agriculture, to manufacturing, to e-commerce. As witnessed during the California Energy Crisis and the 2003 blackout in the northeast and midwest, interruptions in the supply of …

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Oxford Energy Forum: Keeping the Nuclear Power Option Open

This article appeared in Oxford Energy Forum, May 2005.

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The 10-50 Solution: Options For A Low-Carbon Future

Addressing the challenge of global climate change will require a significant reduction in annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States and throughout the world by 2050. This will necessitate a fundamental shift from an economy predominantly based on …

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