Technology Solutions

Achieving a true low-carbon transition requires an array of innovative technologies, including renewable energy, alternative vehicles, advanced nuclear power, and carbon capture, use and storage.

In Brief: What Pending Climate Legislation Does for Nuclear Power

Electricity generation accounts for more than one third of total U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Nuclear power is a virtually carbon-free source of reliable, baseload electricity which can play a very large role in decarbonizing the U.S. electric power sector. …

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Policy Options for Reducing GHG Emissions from Transportation Fuels

Transportation is the second largest contributor to total U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and responsible for about one-third of U.S. carbon-dioxide emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels. There are a variety of policy strategies that can be used to …

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Wind and Solar Electricity: Challenges and Opportunities

Wind and solar power could become a major source of electricity for the United States, but only if the nation adopts new policies that promote renewable energy and that place a price on carbon.  The report cites figures showing that …

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A Performance Standards Approach to Reducing CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Plants

A Performance Standards Approach to Reducing CO2 Emissions from Electric Power Plants continues the series of Pew Center papers that explore strategies for addressing CO2 emissions from using coal to provide electricity. The CO2 emission performance standard policies outlined in …

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Coal Initiative Series: Positioning the Indian Coal-Power Sector for Carbon Mitigation: Key Policy Options

Positioning the Indian Coal-Power Sector for Carbon Mitigation: Key Policy Options continues the series of Pew Center papers that explore strategies for addressing CO2 emissions from using coal to provide electricity. The domestic and international steps outlined in this paper …

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Coverage of Natural Gas Emissions & Flows Under a GHG Cap-and-Trade Program

This paper provides an overview of the different point-of-regulation options for covering greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas under a cap-and-trade program. The paper assesses the percentage of emissions covered under the different options and the type and number of entities …

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Development of a Policy Framework for CO2 Carbon Capture and Storage in the States

This paper presents the background and policy issues surrounding development of a commercial market for captured carbon dioxide (CO2), and seeks to foster among policymakers a deeper understanding of 1) both the generation and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies …

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The Role of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in Ohio’s Economy and Energy Future

This report analyzes the Ohio-based industries and employment that might play a role in an Ohio market for exhaust-stream CO2 due to their participation in: development and construction of CO2 pipelines and/or injection of CO2 into producing oil wells or …

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Biofuels for Transportation: A Climate Perspective

As the United States seeks to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from motor vehicles and to lessen its dependence on imported oil, biofuels are gaining increasing attention as one possible solution. This paper offers an introduction to the current state …

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Coal Initiative Series: State Policy Options for Low-Carbon Coal Policy

State Options for Low-Carbon Coal Policy is the third in a series of Pew Center papers that explore strategies for addressing CO2 emissions from using coal to provide electricity. This paper provides an overview of the policy options available to …

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