Technology Solutions

Achieving a true low-carbon transition requires an array of innovative technologies, including renewable energy, alternative vehicles, advanced nuclear power, and carbon capture, use and storage.

Carbon Pollution Standards for New and Existing Power Plants and Their Impact on Carbon Capture and Storage

This article appears in the Autumn 2014 issue of Cornerstone, the official journal of the World Coal Industry.   Using its authority under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing a series …

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SaskPower unveils first commercial-scale, coal-fired power plant to capture carbon
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CCS projects see progress
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Energy efficiency financing models for buildings could work for natural gas vehicles
Applying the Energy Service Company Model to Advance Deployment of Fleet Natural Gas Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure

This paper explores the opportunity for using ESCO-style service contracts to advance investment in natural gas vehicles by fleets. Starting with a brief overview of the ESCO market, this paper explains how ESCOs reduce barriers faced by energy efficiency and …

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Using Captured Carbon Dioxide for Enhanced Oil Recovery
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Eight states take a big step to advance zero-emission vehicles
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Incentive to capture carbon emissions would spur needed technology
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No single solution to nuclear’s troubles
Climate Solutions: The Role of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power supplies more than 60 percent of the nation’s zero-carbon electricity. The planned retirement of five nuclear reactors could make it tougher to meet U.S. climate goals.  A C2ES brief examines the pressures on the nation’s nuclear fleet and …

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