Business Practices

Business climate action content

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Climate Innovation: Imagine how we can beat expectations next
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Business can help on the road from agreement to action on climate
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Building on the climate successes of 2015
Strategic Planning to Enable ESCOs to Accelerate NGV Fleet Deployment: A Guide for Businesses and Policymakers

This guide addresses questions that private investors and state and local agencies may have about key considerations and strategies for deploying NGVs in public and private fleets.

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Strategic Planning to Implement Publicly Available EV Charging Stations: A Guide for Businesses and Policymakers

This guide answers questions that private investors and state and local agencies, such as state energy offices, may have in deciding whether and to what extent they should invest in publicly available charging infrastructure.

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Preparing for Carbon Pricing: Case Studies from Company Experience: Royal Dutch Shell, Rio Tinto, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company

This report was prepared for the PMR Secretariat by Janet Peace, Tim Juliani, Anthony Mansell, and Jason Ye (Center for Climate and Energy Solutions—C2ES), with input and supervision from Pierre Guigon and Sarah Moyer (PMR Secretariat). This report examines how …

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The Role of Clean Energy Banks in Increasing Private Investment in Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

This paper explores how Clean Energy Banks, or other similar organizations aimed at leveraging public funds to attract private investment in clean energy deployment, could help reduce the barriers to EV charging infrastructure by (1) supporting the development of viable business models for charging services …

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Blog Post
Three lessons from climate leaders
From Shop Floor to Top Floor: Best Business Practices in Energy Efficiency

In the last decade, rising and volatile energy prices coupled with increasing concern about climate change and growing support for action on energy and environmental issues has driven a surge of corporate environmental commitments. Energy efficiency has emerged as a …

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Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets

In the United States and around the world, many businesses are demonstrating their commitment to solving the problem of climate change. Not only are companies speaking out on the severity of the problem, they are setting and meeting corporate targets …

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