Press Release
March 28, 2019
Contact: Alec Gerlach,, 703-516-0621
C2ES and RITE Submit Recommendations to Strengthen International Collaboration on Carbon Capture, Use and Storage
WASHINGTON— The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) and the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) today forwarded recommendations to the government of Japan on ways to strengthen international collaboration on carbon capture use and storage (CCUS) technologies during Japan’s G20 Presidency.
The recommendations emerge from an international roundtable in Washington, D.C., organized by C2ES and RITE with support from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). They will be presented to G20 governments this month at a preparatory meeting for an upcoming meeting of G20 energy and environment ministers in Karuizawa, Japan.
The full recommendations are available on the C2ES website (English version) and on the RITE website (Japanese version). Key recommendations include:
- Highlighting the value of CCUS in the communiques from the Karuizawa Ministerial and the G20 leaders summit this June in Osaka, Japan, including the essential role of CCUS in achieving the Paris Agreement and U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and in decarbonizing the industrial sector
- Integrating CCUS into action plans, including a joint G20 CCUS action plan to be adopted in 2020 and national action plans by individual G20 Member countries
- Promoting carbon recycling through a working group with business participation focused on re-using captured carbon in building materials, polymers and plastics, fuels, and other high value-added materials
The Washington, D.C., roundtable, held in February, was attended by representatives of more than 40 organizations from 11 countries. Participants included representatives of national governments, multilateral development banks, energy and finance companies, think tanks, and NGOs from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Norway, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
During the roundtable, participants discussed policy, finance and technology issues, including lessons learned from existing collaborative efforts and the role of CCUS in long-term energy and climate strategies. These issues are reviewed in detail in a background paper published today by C2ES.
“Building and developing a robust set of solutions and technologies for action on climate change is a global priority,” said C2ES President Bob Perciasepe. “CCUS technologies should be essential elements of the global agenda because they can help achieve multiple objectives at once – from reducing emissions to preserving industrial regions to expanding energy access. The G20 nations have a great opportunity to strengthen collaboration to advance deployment of CCUS at the Osaka summit.”
“CCUS technologies are ready for deployment today and should be a priority for G20 nations,” said RITE Senior Managing Director Takashi Honjo. “Looking ahead, we can expect R&D efforts to help continue to reduce costs and risks, but only if we work together and remain committed to the task. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees underscored the urgency of the challenge – we have no time to waste.”
CCUS technologies can be deployed at coal- and gas-fired power plants and with industrial processes including steel and cement production, natural gas processing, and refining. CCUS includes many technologies, including capture of manmade carbon from the atmosphere and the conversion of captured carbon into useful products and fuels. There are currently 18 large-scale CCUS projects operating around the world.
For more information, or to reach experts, contact C2ES Communications Director Alec Gerlach at
About C2ES: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to forge practical solutions to climate change. Our mission is to advance strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. Learn more at