Statement of Bob Perciasepe
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
June 30, 2015
On China’s announcement of its goals to limit greenhouse gas emissions as part of an international climate agreement:
China now joins the United States, Europe and others with a credible, ambitious commitment to tackle climate change. This is a clear sign that we’re moving past the old developed-developing country divide to a new understanding that all major economies have to contribute their fair share to the global effort.
China understands both the risks and the opportunities posed by climate change and is placing its bets on a low-carbon future. Its intended contribution represents a significant undertaking beyond business-as-usual and will help slow the rise in global greenhouse gas emissions.
It’s encouraging to see so many of the major players coming forward already with their contributions to the Paris agreement. The announced targets are important indicators of countries’ intentions. But the numbers will be much more meaningful attached to an agreement that holds countries accountable for their promises. That’s what Paris must deliver.
The United States and China can no longer use inaction by the other as an excuse for ignoring the risks we all face from climate change. Both countries are acting. Working together they can help lead countries to common ground in Paris.
Contact: Laura Rehrmann,, or 703-516-0621
About C2ES: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization promoting strong policy and action to address the challenges of energy and climate change. Learn more at